Cómo Comprar Acciones de Infinity Hash
Create your free Infinity Hash account. No identity verification or KYC required! All you need is a working email address and you are ready to go.
Add some funds via Bitcoin, USDT, credit card, bank transfer or crypto and buy your first shares. The minimum investment is less than $1.
Earn daily Bitcoin rewards directly to your dashboard. You can convert to USDT or keep your BTC. Fast withdrawals whenever you want!
Register Your Account
You will need:
Go to the register page and enter your email and password. You can leave the Ref Code blank if you don’t have one.
After clicking “Register Account” you will be taken to your new dashboard.
Buy Shares
You will need:
Buy Shares:
On the main page of the Dashboard, click on the “Buy Shares” button.
Click on the “Buy Shares” button in the Dashboard
After clicking on “Buy Shares” you can either buy shares with existing Dashboard funds (only available if you have already deposited funds into your account) or select a payment method and click on “Deposit” to fund your account. For the latter, simply follow the deposit instructions.
Once you have funds in your account, or after you click “Proceed”, you will see the payment confirmation dialog. You can choose either Bitcoin or USDT as your payment currency. Enter how many shares you want to buy (amount in USD value) and click “Confirm Purchase”.
Earn Daily Rewards
Earn Rewards:
After about 24 hours, you will see your first rewards appear on the main page of your dashboard. You will always see the total value in USD, regardless of whether you chose to earn in BTC or USDT.
Extra Settings (optional):
Don’t forget to check out our extra settings! Just scroll down on the main page and you can choose an auto compounding percentage and a rewards split percentage (between BTC and USDT). A detailed description for both is available directly in the dashboard.