This is our 43rd post in the Infinity Hash Weekly Update series for May 27, 2024.
This week we added some new miners, passed community vote #2, and finished some important experimental and construction projects at the farm on the ground. Mining profits for Infinity Hash went up with some downtime, and the share price for IHS went down even though Bitcoin went up.
You can always get a full overview of past charts and numbers on the Weekly Updates page.
Project Updates
Infinity Hash in Numbers
These are the numbers for week 21, 2024, from 2024-05-20 to 2024-05-26.
Metric | Current data | Change |
Total Miners | 497 Miners | + 12 Miners |
Total Hashrate | 63.38 PH/s | + 1.15 PH/s |
Total Shares | 605,137 Shares | + 7770 Shares |
Share Price | $ 4.74 | – 9.37 % |
Rewards generated | 0.32365878 BTC | + 22.01 % |
Reinvested | 4549 USDT | + 1434 USDT |
Electricity paid | 13084 USDT | + 2207 USDT |
Dashboard and Feature Updates
Community Vote #2 passed with 94.09%

Our second vote was approved by the community, with 94.09% voting »Yes« and 5.91% voting »No« on the following proposal:
#2 Make 10% of auto-compounding purchases from the marketplace for 1 month?
Sourcing shares for auto-compounding from the community marketplace (if they are cheaper than new shares) should make long-term sharehodlers and people that want to sell happier. Apart from this, the buying pressure on the marketplace will reduce risk and sell-off time for people that wish to exit. After testing the effect on the marketplace for 1 month, we would add a follow-up vote with different options to set different percentages or – in case the community didn’t like the testing phase – to set it to 0% again.
- Yes: Yes, take 10% of the auto-compounding amount and use it to purchase shares from the community marketplace for 1 month of test.
- No: No, don’t change anything and buy new shares only.
Based on this result, we will take the following steps:
- Update the auto-compounding function to be able to source shares from the marketplace in case there are cheaper shares available compared to buying new ones
- Bring the update online as fast as possible and let it run for 4 weeks of testing
- At the beginning of week 4 of testing, we will publish statistics and background information on how the updates affected the marketplace and project and publish the next vote, so the community can decide whether to make this change permanent and how many percent of the shares used for auto compounding should be bought from the marketplace in the future
We will inform everyone via social media, Telegram and email at each step of the process.
Miner and Farm Updates
This week, we added 12 new miners, increasing the community pool hash rate by 1652 TH.
Model | Hashrate | Source | Workder ID |
Whatsminer M60 | 176 TH | Reinvest | IH485 |
Whatsminer M60 | 176 TH | Reinvest | IH486 |
Whatsminer M50S | 130 TH | Share sale | IH487 |
Whatsminer M50S | 130 TH | Share sale | IH488 |
Whatsminer M50S | 130 TH | Share sale | IH489 |
Whatsminer M50S | 130 TH | Share sale | IH490 |
Whatsminer M50S | 130 TH | Share sale | IH491 |
Whatsminer M50S | 130 TH | Share sale | IH492 |
Whatsminer M50S | 130 TH | Share sale | IH493 |
Whatsminer M50S | 130 TH | Share sale | IH494 |
Whatsminer M50S | 130 TH | Share sale | IH495 |
Whatsminer M50S | 130 TH | Share sale | IH496 |
Testing a new way of placing miners
We have started to test a new way of placing the miners in the container. The equipment is placed close to each other, and there are no plastic partitions covering the rear fans. All of this will help with cooling in the summer and fitting considerably more ASICS into one 20-foot container. If the results are positive, all future miners will be placed similarly.
Installing a new batch of miners
We’ve installed a new batch of 10 Whatsminer M50S. You can see the installation process in the pictures. With 10 new miners added to the Infinity Hash farm this week, we are approaching the 500-miner mark!
Preparing an old container for reconstruction
Preparation of the old container for reconstruction has begun. This container will be equipped with new PDUs for higher safety and reliability.
We removed the old shelves, installed new ones and cleaned out the container. In addition, metal grids have been prepared and installed on the sides of the cold zone. These grids do not prevent air from entering the container, but they do protect it from precipitation.
Reconstruction work on the farm
On May 23 and 24 May, the farm was undergoing reconstruction work. Some containers were moved to another site for better cooling in the summer. And all the transformer substations were put on concrete supports. Several new concrete supports for future containers have also been prepared.
Preventive cleaning and filter replacement
In one of the containers, preventive cleaning of the equipment and the entire container was carried out. The old filters were also replaced with new ones. This was important to ensure the longevity and reliable service of all miners. During cleaning, we usually switch off one whole container, properly clean it with pressured air, and switch the container on again as soon as possible. Switching off miners before using pressured air is important to not damage the fans.
Maintenance and Downtime
Due to some preventive cleaning and de-dusting of equipment and the moving of some containers, as well as the moving of all transformer substations on concrete supports, we experienced a few smaller downtimes. This week, we had no noteworthy events, with an uptime of about 96%.
Links and Outlook
Infinity Hash Articles and Socials
This week, we uploaded two more videos to YouTube. The first one goes into detail on the components of a Whatsminer M50 ASIC and how they work. The M50 and M50S are currently the most used miner models of the project (about 95% of all miners).
In the second video, one of our technical specialists at the farm – Maxim Lazarev – shows and explains the hot- and cold-zones of our containers and the role of filters and smart PDUs for operational security and reliability.
Apart from our own videos, we also had the German crypto news magazine BTC-Echo cover our upcoming first anniversary in its article »Cloud-Mining-Unternehmen feiert einjähriges Jubiläum« (“Cloud mining company celebrates its first anniversary”).
Outlook and Mining Forecast
With more Whatsminer M60 ASICs online and the project’s APR over 30% again, we can conclude, that most of the negative effects of the most recent Bitcoin halving are now compensated and expect profits to steadily grow over the next few months.
Weather conditions
The current weather conditions at the mining farm are: Clear. Chilly. Current temperatures at 1.81°C / 35.26°F provide good cooling conditions, with the weather forecast showing an upward trend in temperatures. This should result in stable profits.
Here are our current transparency links:
- ViaBTC Pool: Get a complete and transparent overview of the Infinity Hash mining pool.
- ViaBTC Workers: A detailed live list of all miners in the Infinity Hash pool, including their current status
- Reinvest Wallet: The reinvest wallet where 50% of all profits are sent to buy new miners for the community. You can see incoming reinvest transactions under “Transfers” in the form of incoming USDT transactions. The wallet address is:
- Electricity Wallet: The electricity wallet is used to pay all electricity costs for the Infinity Hash Pool. As with the Reinvest wallet, you will find all incoming USDT transactions under “Transfers”. The wallet address is:
As always, it has been a pleasure to provide you with the latest information on the Infinity Hash project. We wish our community a great week and happy mining together!